Rogers TV - Collingwood - Penny Skelton Live
Mayor Candidates Interview discussing platforms and plans
for the future of Collingwood and Council direction for
the next four years?
Tuesday September 23rd, 2014 between 9pm and 10pm
The Collingwood Branch of the Architectural Conservancy
of Ontario
All Candidates Meeting at the Studio Theatre, 65 Simcoe
Street on Sept 25th at 7pm.
Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral Candidates are the 25th. Councillor
Candidates are the 24th.
All Candidates Meeting (Mayor/Deputy Mayor candidates)
- Royal Canadian Legion - October 1st
The Collingwood Chamber of Commerce along with The Collingwood
Connection, Rogers TV, 97.7 The Beach, The Enterprise Bulletin
and 95.1 The Peak will be holding an All Candidates Meeting
for the Collingwood Municipal Election.
Councillor candidates will begin at 4:00 p.m. and Mayor/Deputy
Mayor candidates will begin at 7:00 p.m.
The Royal Canadian Legion Br. #63 has kindly donated the
venue which is located at 490 Ontario Street, Collingwood
CHAT with the Experts program (The Peak 95.1 FM) on
Thursday, October 2nd
The program will begin at 9 a.m and close at 10 a.m. All
candidates running for Mayor will be given an opening five
minutes maximum to outline your candidacy, which will be
followed by questions from both me and callers, as time